Physics Class 10 Chapter 17 Conceptual Questions Pdf Download Federal Board

Unit: 17 Information and Communication Technology

Exercise Conceptual Questions:

Students can download federal board physics class 10 chapter 17 exercise conceptual questions in pdf form ( pdf file is given at the end) as well as read all questions online here. To understand these questions and answer, you can listen lecture on fazal academy youtube channel link given at the end. This is national book foundation physics class 10 questions and answer. These are very helpful for physics students.

FBISE Physics Class 10 Chapter 17 Conceptual Questions:

Question 1: What is difference between data and information?


1. Data is collection of raw facts and figures.
2. Data is not so meaningful.
3. Data is used as input in computer.
4. Raw data alone is insufficient for decision-making.
5. Data is an independent entity.
6. Data is a low level knowledge.
Example: Student’s test marks.


  1. Information is processed data.
  2. Information is meaningful.
  3. Information is used as output of computer.
  4. Information is sufficient for decision-making.
  5. Information depends on data.
  6. Information is the second level of knowledge.
    Example: The average marks of a class is the information derived from the given data.

Question 2: Briefly explain the process of transfer information via radio waves through air.

Answer: When a person speaks in microphone, microphone converts sound into electrical signals i.e. current. These electrical signals are given to transmitting antenna. The charges in the antenna oscillate (move to/fro ) due to electric signals. Due to which they produce electromagnetic radio waves.
These weak electromagnetic radio waves are mixed i.e. modulated with strong electromagnetic waves so that it could cover large distance
When these electromagnetic radio waves strike receiving antenna, they produce electrical signals which are amplified. Then it is demodulated i.e. information signal is separated and fed to recap for circuit. Finally it is given to speaker to reproduce sound.

Question 3: What is difference between primary and secondary memory? Why do we need both in computers?

Answer: Why do we need both in computers:

We need both primary and secondary memory in a computer because sometimes we need to access some data quickly (must be stored on primary memory) And some data for occasionally (must be stored on secondary memory).

Difference between primary and secondary memory:

Primary Memory:

  1. Primary memory is also known as main memory or internal memory.
  2. It is temporary memory.
  3. It is directly accessible by CPU.
  4. It has fast access time.
  5. It is more expensive.
  6. Volatile in nature except ROM.
    Examples: RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM

Secondary Memory:

  1. Secondary memory is also known as external memory or Auxiliary memory.
  2. It is permanent memory.
  3. it is not directly accessible By CPU. It requires primary memory for its operation.
  4. It has slow access time.
  5. It is less expensive.
  6. Non volatile in nature.
    Examples: DVD, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk

Question 4. What is difference between RAM and ROM of computers?

Answer: Difference between RAM and ROM of computers


  1. RAM stands for random access memory
  2. RAM data is volatile.
  3. Data can be modified.
  4. It is high speed memory.
  5. It is expensive.
  6. RAM chip can store multiple gigabytes (GB ) of data.


  1. ROM stands for Read only memory
  2. ROM data Is non volatile (permanent)
  3. Data cannot be modified (Data can only be read).
  4. It is Much slower than RAM.
  5. It is cheaper.
  6. ROM chip can store only a few megabytes (MB) of data.

Question 5: Why optical fibre is better than electrical wire for communication process?

Answer: Optical fibre is better than electrical wire because of the following reasons.

  1. Fibre optic transmission is faster: Fibre optics Can carry data at close to the speed of light.
  2. Fibre optic transmission can cover greater distance
  3. Fibre optics are lighter: Optical fibre is much lighter than any electrical cable.
  4. Fibre optics can transmit signal without any loss.

Question 6: Why is the storage capacity of hard disk greater than a floppy disc or DVD usually?

Answer: Storage capacity of hard disc is greater than a floppy disc or DVD usually because Of following reasons.

  1. Do to improve technology, hard disc store much more data per square inch of recording surface.
  2. A hard disc has large size (capacity) while floppy disc has small size (storage capacity). So to increase the storage, the size of storage device would also increase.
  3. Hard disc has more than two disc while floppy disc contains single disc.

Question 7: What is main difference between telephone and cellular phone?

Difference between telephone and cellular phone:

  1. Landline telephones are connected through a wire network while cell phones do not use wire network for connectivity.
  2. Landline telephones are fixed and cannot be carried beyond a specific distance while mobile phones can be carried anywhere easily.
  3. Landline cannot be connected to Internet while smartphones can be connected to Internet.
  4. Landline is not easily available in case of emergency if the person is far away from the telephones. As cell phone is carried anywhere, it can be used in emergency.

Question 8: How data is stored in a hard disk? Describe briefly.

Answer: Data is stored on a hard drive in binary code, using 1s an 0s. The information is spread out on the magnetic layer of the disk (s) and are read or written by the Read heads that float above the surface thanks to the layer of air produced by the ultra fast rotation of the disc.

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