Physics Class 10 Chapter 11 Solved Numericals Pdf Federal Board | National Book Foundation

Download 10th class physics chapter 11 sound exercise solved numericals pdf notes, FBISE Federal Board National Book Foundation. Fazal academy physics notes pdf are very helpful for students.

Unit 11: Sound

Numerical Problems:

Solved Numedricals PDF available at the end.

  1. In a busy street, traffic noise has intensity of 10^-5 Wm^-2. Find the intensity level in decibel.
  1. Mosquito buzzing has intensity level of 40 dB, calculate the intensity of this buzzing sound.

3. What is intensity level of threshold of hearing and threshold of pain?

  1. Speed of sound waves in water at 25 °C is 1480 m/s. If their wavelength is 70 cm, find the frequency of these sound waves?
  2. What is speed of sound at 15°C in air if speed of sound is 332 m/s at 0°C?
  3. Find the range of wavelengths for audible sounds if the minimum frequency is 20 Hz and maximum frequency is 20kHz.
  4. During thunderstorm, thunder sound is heard after 3 seconds of lightning flash. Find the distance of clouds from ground. (Speed of sound = 340 m/s)
  5. SONAR (sound navigation and ranging system) sends ultrasound signal towards sea bed. It is received back after 5.3 s. If speed of sound in sea water is 1550 m/s. Find the depth of sea bed.

Physics Class 10 Chapter 10 Conceptual Questions PDF

Physics Class 10 Chapter 10 Solved Numericals PDF

Physics Class 10 Chapter 11 Conceptual Questions PDF

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